Office: First Examination


According to the initial clinical condition, it is possible to benefit from two different first examination typologies

The front desk asks the patient who wishes to book a first appointment a few questions as an initial screening in order to then indicate the most appropriate examination.

The basic examination is performed in one appointment that concludes with a detailed written treatment plan and estimate.

The prosthetic exam, instead, consists of two appointments; the second one usually booked about seven days after the first one.

In general:

for decay (cavities), gum problems, old fillings, and in the presence of complete dental arches, a basic examination will be scheduled.

for missing teeth, old fixed and removable prostheses (crown and bridges, dentures), with or without gum problems, a prosthetic examination will be scheduled.

Before being seen by Dr Castelnuovo, the patient must fill out a personal data form and a medical and dental history form. If the patient has brought dental radiographs, these will be digitally recorded by the front desk personnel and returned.

In any case, patients with radiographs more than 12 months old will have to undergo a new radiographic examination (full mouth X-ray) before being examined. A radiographic examination, according to international protocols, is composed of a minimum of 16 intra-oral low-dosage digital films.


The first examination is as follows:

BASIC EXAMINATION (45-60 minutes duration)

  • Medical and dental history review
  • Radiographs evaluation

Extraoral examination:

  • palpation of head and neck lymphnodeal stations
  • esthetical analysis of the smile
  • temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and masticatory muscles exam

Intraoral Examination:

  • oral cancer exam
  • dental arches exam (teeth)
  • occlusal exam (bite)
  • periodontal exam (measurement of pocket depths for diagnosis of gum disease-periodontitis)

Diagnosis, treatment plans and estimates.

PROSTHETIC EXAMINATION (60-90 min duration + 45 min after seven days)

Phases in presence of the patient

  • Medical and dental history review
  • Radiographs evaluation

Extraoral examination:

  • palpation of head and neck lymphnodeal stations
  • esthetical analysis of the smile
  • temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and masticatory muscles exam

Intraoral examination:

  • oral cancer exam
  • dental arches exam (teeth)
  • occlusal exam (bite)
  • periodontal exam (measurement of pocket depths for diagnosis of gum disease-periodontitis)

Impression-making for upper and lower arch (maxilla and mandible)

Intermaxillary records (bite registration)

Facebow registration (instrument used to mount the stone models on the articulator)

Phases not in presence of the patient

Fabrication of the stone models (study casts)

Mounting of study casts on the articulator (instrument used to reproduce chewing movements)


Case analysis and evaluation

Diagnosis and treatment-plan

Phases in presence of the patient

Dental report and detailed treatment plan presented by Dr Castelnuovo 7 days after the first examination (45 min duration)

Estimates are given to the patient
